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In the increasingly hot summer, there is nothing better than air conditioning and ice coke. A cold carbonated drink in such weather can bring double the pleasure.

Carbonated drinks are the "first drink" you do not drink; people are always around to drink, especially children, and their resistance to carbonated drinks is almost 0. So whether it is a trip, party, sports, or picnic, everyone's dependence on carbonated drinks is very high.

But here is a reminder of the cold knowledge that regular consumption of carbonated beverages may accelerate the development of nearsightedness. This is heartbreaking and one more reason to drink less carbonated beverages. So, what is the reason?

What are carbonated drinks?

We think of carbonated drinks as sweet, refreshing bubbles that bring happiness and relief from the heat. The essential component of carbonated drinks is water. Drinking it can replenish the moisture and part of the sugar and minerals consumed by the body due to exercise and life activities, and it has a specific effect on maintaining the water-electrolyte balance in the body.

Carbonated beverages also have classifications, such as fruit juice type, fruit flavor type, cola-type, low-calorie type, etc. Coke is the most common carbonated beverage containing carbon dioxide. It also contains sugar, caramel, phosphoric acid, caffeine, and other substances.

How carbonated drinks affect vision?

Carbonated beverages have a lot of sugar and require a certain amount of vitamin B1 with calcium and other substances to be involved in their metabolism. Vitamin B1 is a component of the body that has a protective effect on the optic nerve, and its level will affect the state of the optic nerve. Calcium is the "umbrella" of the eye tissue; a lack of calcium will lead to increased pressure in the lens, affecting the toughness of the eye wall, prone to nearsightedness.

Regular consumption of carbonated drinks decreases calcium in the body, which slowly reduces calcium content in the sclera, resulting in reduced elasticity of the retina and increased pressure in the lens. In addition, the elongation of the eye's anterior and posterior diameters affects the eye wall's toughness, which increases nearsightedness.

Therefore, carbonated beverages should not be drunk in excess, especially for children and adolescents, and care must be taken that the intake is not excessive. The carbonate ions in carbonated beverages will cause calcium loss, affecting children's growth and development. Some people also drink carbonated beverages as water, which is a no-no. This not only affects vision, teeth, and many other aspects.
