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Recently, the "new strain of influenza H3N2" has entered the high season, and there are more people around with fever, cough, fluid, and other symptoms, which should not be underestimated. Whether it is the new flu or the common flu, many people have eye symptoms such as red eyes, pain, and tearing; why?

What is H3N2 flu

The early symptoms of H3N2 influenza are similar to those of ordinary influenza, mainly fever, sore throat, cough, sputum, and runny nose, but there is a corresponding prevention and treatment strategy to deal with influenza A, so there is no need to talk about it.

H3N2 flu

How H3N2 influenza "enters through the eyes."

At this time, the herpes simplex virus lurking on our trigeminal nerve will come out and "mess up," entering the trigeminal ganglion through the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, and when immunity is low, it will travel down to the corneal tissue and cause lesions, manifesting as photophobia, tearing, foreign body sensation, vision loss, etc. This is viral keratitis.

Most patients treat viral keratitis as a complication of H3N2 influenza and tend to treat H3N2 influenza aggressively while ignoring the symptoms of their eyes. However, viral keratitis is the most important cause of blinding keratoconus and must not be taken lightly. If the eye symptoms are more serious, you should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the best treatment time.

How to prevent viral keratitis

Viral keratitis is an infection of the cornea caused by a virus. It is preventable and treatable. In daily life, the following points need to be noted to prevent viral keratitis:


Try to eat light, easy-to-digest food, avoid fried, spicy and stimulating food, increase the intake of high-quality protein (such as: fish, lean meat, eggs, milk), and eat an appropriate amount of fresh vegetables and fruits every day.


According to your physical fitness, exercise moderately every day to strengthen your body resistance, but during the period of H3N2 influenza, you should pay attention to rest and avoid strenuous exercise.


Practice healthy eye hygiene, avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands, do not wear contact lenses or keratoplasty lenses during H3N2 influenza, get enough sleep to relieve eye fatigue, reduce direct contact with others, wash your hands frequently, avoid sharing personal items, use protective eyewear, keep your contact lenses clean, avoid crowded places, and get vaccinated.

Emotional psychology

Increase the time spent outdoors, communicate more with your family, and maintain a good mood.

By following these preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of viral keratitis and other viral infections. If you experience any symptoms such as eye pain, redness, or discharge, see an eye doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.

In addition, viral keratitis is a transmissible disease. Until the disease is cured, avoid close contact with people with low immunity, such as infants and the elderly, and avoid going to public bathrooms and pools to prevent infection.
