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Now more and more people are nearsighted. To protect our eyes, many people choose to wear eyeglasses. However, wearing eyeglasses also has a lot of attention; if not wearing the right not only can not protect vision and even make vision loss.

People generally think that frame eyeglasses are safe as long as the eyeglasses are with the correct prescription, which is a common misconception. So what is the common sense of eyeglasses? How much do you know?

Unclean eyeglasses cause eye inflammation

The lenses of unclean glasses usually accumulate a lot of dust and oil stains. Such dirty lenses, On the one hand, will affect their refractive index of it, thus leading to an unstable refractive index. And on the other hand, the distance between the eye and the lens is very close, and pathogens and microorganisms are quickly brought to the eye through airborne transmission, which may cause eye inflammation such as conjunctivitis.

Eyeglasses shift and deepen nearsightedness

I believe that all nearsighted patients who have worn frame eyeglasses can experience the difference between what they see through the eyeglasses and what they see, resulting in distortion of the image.

At the same time, eyeglasses can easily shift, which makes the distance between the lenses and the eyes will change, so that the eyes are often in an unstable state of adjustment, which may also make nearsightedness deepen.

Causes eye trauma and risk of blindness

When external forces hit glasses, it may cause the lenses to break and pierce into the eye, resulting in ocular trauma and, in severe cases, leading to eye rupture, seriously affecting vision and even blindness.

There are many disadvantages of wearing glasses, so we must pay attention to nearsighted prevention and control to kill it in the cradle. If you have developed true nearsightedness and must wear eyeglasses for a long time, you should also pay attention to the following.

1. We can not just wear other people's glasses; each person's glasses lens degree, the distance between the optical center of the two lenses, the length of the legs, and the height of the nose rest are not the same, so you can not just take other people's glasses to wear.

2. You can't twist the frame of the glasses with force. When picking and wearing glasses with one hand, the frame of glasses can be deformed due to uneven pressure, so when picking and wearing glasses, you must use both hands. You should also frequently check whether the screws on the frame are loose and the structure is deformed. If the screws are found to be flexible, they should be tightened in time to prevent the lenses from falling off and breaking.

3. The eyeglasses frame can not be too loose or too tight, the distance between the two legs of the glasses, the curvature of the legs should be appropriate, and the eyes must be right on the optical center of the lens. Otherwise, it will produce the trigonometric effect, so people have visual distortion, dizziness, dizziness, eye soreness, easy fatigue and other symptoms, and even strabismus.

4. Do not touch the lenses with your hands because there are oil stains on your hands, and do not just use clothes or general paper to wipe glasses. Because the wipe is not clean to affect vision, it will bring bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms to the lenses. In addition, eyes and lenses are very close, and pathogenic microorganisms can be brought to the eyes airborne, causing eye inflammation.

5. The eyes are particularly susceptible to fatigue from long study hours, so it is essential to take care of them. Spinach is rich in lutein, vitamin B2, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and beta-carotene, which can provide the best protection for your eyes against fatigue and make them more beautiful!
