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Do you often feel your eyes are sore and tired? Whether watching the news, short videos, brushing Ins, shopping, online classes, etc., your eyes are always "running" and overloaded.

Unhealthy eye-using behaviors can make your eye health worse and worse. How much work do your eyes do in a day? How should we take care of our eyes scientifically?

how should take care of our eyes

How much work the eyes do in a day

According to the Data, as of December 2021, the size of our Internet users is 307 million, of which 282 million are cell phone users, with a proportion of 92%.

The Data also shows that the average American Internet user spends more than 8 hours a day online, which means that excluding the 8 hours of sleep, more than 1/3 of the day, people face the electronic screen.

Among them, the usage rates of instant messaging, online video, and short video users are 97.5%, 94.5%, and 90.5%, respectively.

If you didn't see these alarming statistics, you might not even know your eyes are so busy every day.

How electronic screens "steal" your eyesight

According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, under normal conditions, people blink on average once every 4-6 seconds, or an average of 12.5 blinks per minute. Excluding 8 hours of sleep, a person can blink roughly 12,000 times a day.

When facing various types of electronic screens such as computers and cell phones for a long time, the blinking frequency will also naturally decrease, usually to 4~6 times per minute. Moreover, because people look at screens for long periods to maintain a focal length, this can induce visual fatigue problems. Common symptoms are unsustainable close work, pain around the eyes and orbits, blurred vision, dry eyes, tearing, headache, nausea, and vertigo in severe cases.

How to use healthy eyes on a daily basis

Be careful to keep your eyes about 30 cm from the desk when reading and writing.

reading and writing

When using the computer monitor height is slightly below eye level, the upper end of the computer screen is about 10 ° ~ 15 ° below the line of sight, and the screen and face distance to maintain at 51 ~ 71 cm.

face computers

Eye care anytime, anywhere

On how to stay away from vision damage, leading eye experts give these recommendations.

Adjust the brightness and height of the screen Make the screen slightly below the eyes, with a 10-15 degree angle downward when the eyes look at the center of the screen. Try not to exceed 80% screen brightness. After reading a page of text and then scrolling down, put the text next to the computer when reading the article while typing. Do not let your eyes be too "busy."

Help your eyes hide from the sun 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. is the most strong time of the day for sunlight. Excessive UV rays can cause corneal damage, resulting in macular degeneration and aggravating cataracts. You can wear sunglasses when you go out, and the lenses are preferably gray or brown, with relatively strong UV protection. Dark-colored lenses are not necessarily good; if the lenses do not have UV protection, dark lenses will make the pupil dilate but let more UV into the eyes.

Turn on two lights when reading at night The light from bedside and desk lamps is not projected directly in front or above, which can cause eyestrain. Therefore, if you need to read or use your phone at night, it is best to turn on the headlamp simultaneously to reduce the difference between light and dark in the room.

Let the eyeballs do the exercises Usually, pay attention to blinking more often to increase the wetness of the eye. Especially for those who need to stare at the screen for a long time, precisely every 40~60 minutes, you have to move your eyes up and down and left and right, so that eyes can do exercises.

Eat more yellow-green vegetables and fruits Yellow-green foods such as carrots, corn, tomatoes, and broccoli are rich in lutein, which helps protect the eyes from damage.

Well, the most important thing now is to put down the phone, leave the screen and let your eyes rest!
